"Let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." -Hebrews 12:1
Just about to begin my first tri in 2005 |
My tri journey began in 2005 in Seattle, WA. Together with my two friends and sisters in Christ, Merrilee and Lisa, we decided to do a triathlon to build community and foster fellowship as leaders of the children's ministry at our church. So we all signed up for the Danskin Triathlon and dove into something new. I borrowed a mountain bike that was too big, did little to no training, and stood in awe at the race start, surrounded by what felt like a million women, all of us crammed together like sardines in a can. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.But when I crossed the finish line that day, I was already hooked. There was just something about doing a triathlon that made me feel like I was doing exactly what I was meant to do. I was a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, and I could finally fly free! On the race course, I could "throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and run with perseverance the race marked out for me." It was similar to meeting Jesus for the first time: my whole life had been leading up to this moment, and I've never been the same since.
"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." -Proverbs 16:9
After the Black Hills Tri in 2009
After that, I really dove into the sport of triathlon, and one day, while reading the local paper, I came across an ad for a triathlon club in my area, and a Christian one at that. To me, it was the best of both worlds! Needless to say, I joined Team FASTT, where I met lots of amazing people to train with and learn from. I grew in knowledge, strength, and faith while swimming, biking and running my way through life.
In 2009, I was in peak performance, training for my 2nd half-ironman with a coach I met through Team FASTT, Sara. I had never felt better, and was eager when I went to pick up my race packet the day prior to the race. When they handed me my race number, I laughed, thinking it was a joke at first. Was my number really 666? Weren't they suppose to skip that number? Really? Of course, 666 is just another number, but it is also the supposed number of the devil in the book of Revelation in the Bible. But no, it wasn't a joke, and I was to wear 666 on my bike, helmet, race bib, and body. I'm not a superstitious person by any means, but as a Christian, I wrestled with the thought of marking my body with the number of the devil.
And so I prayed about it, seeking God's guidance. Why did I, out of almost 1,000 people, get 666? Was it pure coincidence, or was it something more? Should I just get a new number and pretend it never happened? But I believe there was something in it that God wanted to teach me. In the end, I pulled out of the race, deciding it just wasn't a part of His plan for me. In hindsight, I think it was a test of sorts to see if triathlons had become an idol, something I began to care more about than God. And based on the struggle I had in giving up this race, it likely had, or soon would have, become one. I was miserable giving up something I had worked so hard for, and I was angry at God about it.
But slowly my anger was replaced with peace. I was reminded that "in their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." I ended up doing a smaller, shorter race instead, the Black Hills Triathlon, and even won 1st in my age group (and 3rd place overall). In fact, the picture above from Black Hills is one of my favorites to this day.
That was my last triathlon before I embarked on a much tougher journey--the journey of motherhood!
"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." -1 Corinthians 9:25
My first tri as a mother |
Then came a baby in a jogging stroller! As a mother, I was both overwhelmed and in awe of this tiny little human in my care. It was fascinating and frightening at the same time. As a triathlete, I was in denial that I needed to slow down; I mean, surely I could just do a super sprint tri in my neighborhood two months post-partum, right? The bike course literally went past my street--how could I not do it?
And so, as foolish as it seems in hindsight, I did the Cottage Lake Tri in September 2010, two months postpartum. I even got 2nd in my age group (though my daughter was the real prize). I just couldn't slow down. I guess I was trying to hold onto a part of my old life, while losing so much of myself to motherhood. That was something that would continue through three children. There was a growing anxiety and depression over the loss of me as a triathlete. It was a dark time when my kids were little, which grew darker when one was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I recall one day sitting in the nursery glider while holding one of my beautiful, precious daughters in my arms. I looked through the lattices on the window, feeling like a caged bird, unable to fly. All of this, combined with a fierce love for my kids and an intense joy at the newness of life, created a crazy storm within, one that would last for several years.
That was when I stopped doing triathlons. I simply lacked the energy and motivation to keep going. I wish I could say that I let triathlons go willingly while embracing motherhood completely, but that would be a lie. Instead, I was like one of my kids, kicking and screaming when I didn't get what I wanted. I couldn't let go, and to this day, I feel like I missed out on some of the simple joys of motherhood because of it. But with time, and a little help from friends, family, neighbors, counselors, and of course God, I have come to embrace and enjoy my life in the moment, both as a mother and as a triathlete.
After a five year hiatus (give or take...I can't quite remember!), I re-entered the world of triathlon, doing about one per year (except for 2020, darn Covid!). Then, in 2021, I competed in the Lake Tye Triathlon and got 1st in my age group, which qualified me for the Age Group Nationals in 2022. I was ecstatic! It would be in Milwaukee, where a brother of mine lives. It felt like a dream come true, and after praying about it--and making sure my priorities were in the right order, with God first--I signed up and started training. That was when I got my fourth "baby," Bella, my bike. I was lucky to find her on FB marketplace during a bike shortage due to the pandemic, and she was just my size! I'm not really a pink sort of girl, but it has certainly grown on me.
As I began training for Nationals, I decided to go all in and see what I might be capable of at this stage in my life. And what a crazy rollercoaster of a year it has been! Training with kids, battling sciatica, dealing with autism, supporting my immunocompromised husband during Covid, and more. It has not been easy, but it has been good. God has carried me through it all, and I once again feel free to fly!
Now, as I write this post while actually flying on the airplane to Milwaukee with my family, I look forward to crossing the finish line at Nationals, regardless of how I do, knowing that "everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." To that end I strive, running the race before me while keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus, my real prize and finish line.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." -Proverbs 27:17
Many thanks to:
My husband, Scott, and his incredible support, from start to finish line.
My kids for their inspiration, silliness, and reminding me what's really important in life.
My mom for doing anything and everything to take care of my kids so I could train, or just take a break when I needed it. You saved my sanity many times!
Merrilee and Lisa, for getting me started on this journey! May God bless you on each of yours.
My four brothers: Tim, Toby, Tom, and Tyson, for keeping me on my toes. I was always trying to keep up with you guys, and now it's paid off!
Lisa and Team FASTT, for creating a place to learn and grow in strength and faith.
Sara, for your coaching expertise and encouragement, on and off the course.
Serene and Louise, for being such awesome training partners and friends for a while, until life's course took us in different directions.
Pastor Ray, Christina, and Mountain Ridge Community Church, for all of your support and encouragement. Thank you for the prayers, and Ray--for getting me in the right gear with bikes and life.
Joe, for helping me mourn the loss of my first tri bike, and tuning up my new one, "Bella."
North End Otters for helping me improve my swim. Although swimming is my weakest, it is also my favorite!
Susie at Corpore Sano Physical Therapy for all your advice and healing touch! I am stronger and faster because of you.
And last but never least, Jesus, who gives me strength for the course.