Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Future Career

I taught an aerobics class today, which was only my second time teaching.  I started substituting for a friend (who also happens to be my coach) a few weeks ago.  I never imagined myself teaching aerobics--I prefer to do my workouts outdoors--but I've been enjoying it immensely.  Plus, I get paid to do what I love, which certainly helps to support my triathlon "habit."

There was a lady in the class who was new to the gym, and it was a joy to help her get started on her fitness journey.  Afterwards, she came up to me to say she had a great time and then left with a smile on her face.  Another person who has been going to the class for a long time also came up to me and asked if I had taught before.  She was surprised when I said no, and then she replied, "You should consider making it a career."  That certainly boosted my confidence level, and I told her that I recently began studying to become ACE certified as an instructor.  It is my hope to become a fitness instructor and a personal trainer.  This has been a new development for me this summer, but it just seems to make sense.  I graduated in biology, with an emphasis in physiology and biochemistry, and being healthy is a hobby of mine (much to the chagrin of my husband, sometimes!).  It's interesting to see how the pieces of life fit together.


  1. I believe Colleen was ACE certified at one time, she graduated from an Exercise Science program...

  2. I have a feeling Colleen and I have quite a bit in common...too bad we don't live closer so we could hang out together!
